At work with criminological themes
Johan Deklerck has a PhD in criminology (2005), studied orthopedagogics (1980), criminology (1984), anthropology (1987), and obtained his teaching diploma (1991). He works at KU Leuven and as an independent expert in criminological issues.
He built up extensive practical expertise in the care for the disabled, community building, youth care, education, youth work with socially vulnerable young people, welfare work, justice and prisons.
He has developed a research expertise on the themes of juvenile delinquency, restorative justice and mediation, fundamental criminological theory, prevention and safety (since 1994). He realized a long series of national and international researches in this fields.
He built up extensive scientific expertise on mediation and restorative justice. He was affiliated to the ‘European Master in Mediation/Master Européen en Médiation’, IUKB, Sion (CH) from 2000 to 2010. He is a co-founder of, and associated as a teacher at the ‘Master en Médiation’, Université du Luxembourg since 2003. He is involved in ‘Master en Médiation’ of the Université de Fribourg (CH) and of the HES-SO, Genève (CH).
He built up a coaching expertise through the guidance of socially vulnerable people, many hundreds of students and various teams. He followed a coaching training programme.
He built up a management expertise, including as manager (2010) of the Expertise-network 'School of Education' (22 teacher training courses of the Association KU Leuven), as programme director of the Academic Teacher Training ‘Behavioral and Social Sciences’ (5 faculties, 8 study programmes) and responsible of the teacher training programme 'Social Sciences and Philosophy' (2006).

He integrated his extensive experience and expertise into his own, scientifically based existential-ecological approach to delinquency and problem behavior, prevention, mediation and restorative justice (psychological), framed within a broader social perspective (sociological), with an existential foundation.
This personal approach is visible in his own theoretical frameworks, models and concepts such as the prevention pyramid, a scientifically based and highly disseminated model for an integral and positive prevention, and other models such as the ‘flow of life’- model, the pyramid of redress, a cyclical perspective on modernity, ... .
The existential-ecological approach opens up rich and unexpected perspectives on themes such as delinquency, mediation and prevention. His approach, in combination with his rich practical experience, receives a great appreciation during his presentations, lectures and trainings.
The existential-ecological approach opens up rich and unexpected perspectives on themes such as delinquency, mediation and prevention. His approach, in combination with his rich practical experience, receives a great appreciation during his presentations, lectures and trainings.
He realized a long series of publications and lectures. He is a frequently invited speaker at home and abroad. From his hand are a.o. the following books: ‘De preventiepiramide. Preventie van probleemgedrag in het secundair onderwijs’ (Leuven: Acco, 2011) and ‘Een veelkleurig verhaal. Aanpak en preventie van probleemgedrag in het onderwijs’ (ed., Leuven, Acco, 2012).
Video: Een veelkleurig verhaal: existentiële kwetsbaarheid in een postmoderne tijd, internationale conferentie van Nivoz, Het Kind, Driebergen, The Netherlands, 16 October 2014.